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Body shaming and fashion - this is how fashion brands influence self-image

Slim, young, flawless skin - these beauty ideals are set as a benchmark due to the influence of social media. If a person does not meet these ideals, then the following phenomenon can occur: Body shaming . This word refers to the discrimination of people who, for example, do not have the "perfect" Instagram body and are insulted or "shamed" because of this. Have you ever come into contact with this yourself or have people you know in your circle? Then alarm bells should be ringing, because insulting someone because of their body is not okay. We are all individuals and unique - and that is exactly what we should celebrate instead of shaming!

Why does body shaming exist?

We have already teased why body shaming actually exists.

First of all, a shocking fact: around a quarter of people living in Germany have been victims of body shaming. We at Taynie don't think this is right at all and we loyally support the motto: Stop body shaming!

You have probably already come into contact with the media's dissemination of beauty ideals. Who hasn't experienced it: you are browsing in a bookstore and suddenly your gaze wanders to the various magazines smiling at you on the shelf. But a depressing mood immediately spreads when you spot headlines promising various diet methods with high weight loss and in summer once again talk about the " perfect bikini figure ” is what we are talking about. A relaxed stroll through the bookstore can quickly become a real test.

But not only magazines praise a distorted ideal of beauty but also social networks or television shows. There, we are shown all day long what is considered beautiful in our society. But let's be honest: is there anything left that is not socially picked apart? No matter whether thin, curvy, small or tall - nothing is perfect enough and everything is criticized.

But this phenomenon has not only existed since the days of Instagram and the like. Fashion companies have been involved in the issue for a long time. For example, there are fashion chains that only sell one size fits all, thus excluding body shapes that do not fit into this “ideal” size. 

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When does body shaming begin?

You are looking for new clothes, grab some tight summer looks and try them on in the store. You quickly realise to your horror that these items of clothing highlight your “problem areas” and that you don’t look like influencer XY in them. This is where discrimination starts: You avoid buying certain items of clothing because you think they don’t flatter your body or your “ Problem areas ” This can quickly turn a fashion experience into a hell ride. It would be much easier if we wore what we really wanted to wear. Instead, we are confronted with body shaming because we have learned in life that certain items of clothing can only be worn by certain body shapes.

The Fashion industry with: certain items only fit selected body types and clothing sizes remain limited.At Taynie, we believe that all body shapes should be welcome. That is why we offer a wide range of clothing sizes. For example, we have period underwear, such as our Taynie Deluxe Organic , which starts at size XS and is available up to 11 XL. This brief is not only characterized by its Size selection an absolute winner, but also because of its absorbency of 2.5 tampons or a sanitary pad. Another eye-catcher is the summery, playful lace, which is particularly popular in the gradually warmingdays n spreads good cheer. 

Who is affected by body shaming?

Body shaming can actually every - regardless of gender. Young people in particular are confronted with this discrimination on social media. As a result, they are often ashamed of their appearance and have great insecurities. It's pretty shocking that even children are confronted with these ideals, isn't it?

Body shaming is probably often associated with being overweight, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, thin people can also be affected by it. It seems as if it is impossible to fit into today's ideal of beauty. Too fat or too thin - it just never suits other people. So you can see that body shaming has different Body shapes and one thing can be quickly established: everything is shamed, every body is criticized and no appearance is beautiful enough. So why do these unattainable beauty ideals still exist? We at Taynie believe that it is high time to throw body shaming to the wind and instead focus on the fact that we are all good enough. 

What types of body shaming are there?

Did you know that there are actually different types of body shaming? Let's take a look at them together now.

Fat Shaming

This type of body shaming is probably the most well-known. Discrimination is directed against people who are (supposedly) overweight. Overweight people are subject to strong stigma, which is not only limited to social media. In fact, this discrimination even affects the search for a suitable job, because overweight people often come up short when it comes to careers. Attributions such as laziness lead to their chances of being hired on the job market rapidly decreasing.

Skinny Shaming

Yes, you heard right, there is actually something called skinny shaming. Many people probably think that this shaming is only directed at people who are supposedly overweight, but appearances are deceptive. As we have already explained, it is an impossible task to live up to society's ideal of beauty. This means that people who are "too thin" are also discriminated against. Of course, no one knows what "too thin" actually means, because this discrimination against bodies is chosen at random and it seems as if it is impossible to escape it at all.

Internal and public body shaming 

But there is not only a distinction between fat and skinny shaming. There is also internal and public body shaming. In the former, the discrimination is directed against one's own person.Maybe you have experienced moments when you stood in front of the mirror and didn't like the way you looked. Then that was a clear case of internal body shaming. The public version, on the other hand, is when people insult another person because of their appearance. This often happens on social media. 

What is the opposite of body shaming?

Have you ever heard of Body positivity heard of it? It is the opposite of body shaming. The body positivity movement involves people who deliberately share their bodies with positive captions on social media. Their message is to show other people that all bodies are beautiful - whether fat or thin. Instead of hiding their bodies, they are presented on camera.

Body positivity is slowly arriving in the fashion industry, for example Plus-size models can be seen on the catwalk and a larger selection of clothing sizes is offered.

But there is also criticism of the body positivity movement, because here too, self-esteem is tied to the body. We should recognize that we are much more than just our bodies. 

How do I react to body shaming?

Are you wondering how you can react to such insults? Since body shaming can have serious consequences for the lives of those affected, such as depression or anxiety, it is important to learn how to deal with it properly. First of all, we can give you the following motto: Nobody is perfect! Live your life without unrealistic beauty ideals and try to use your energy to self-consciousness to strengthen. Keep in mind that you are much more than just your appearance and that you can be proud of yourself. Finding like-minded people and contacting and exchanging ideas with them can also be helpful.

Our society has something to complain about all body shapes and instead of following this attitude, we should do what we actually want. Especially now in summer, we should cool off in a lake or outdoor pool instead of worrying about whether we have the perfect bikini figure. And you know what? Everyone already has a perfect "bikini figure". All you need is your body and swimwear. It doesn't matter what your body looks like. Because everyone should enjoy summer to the fullest.

By the way: Did you know that Taynie can also accompany you through the summer? Because we think that your period no obstacle to your summer activities. Thanks to our Taynie Beach Bikini Bottoms you can accompany your friends for a relaxing day at the pool or beach, even if you have your period. This period panty is not suitable for swimming, as it would then soak up water. However, you can wear our Beach panty to relax on the lawn or on your beach towel. You don't want to miss the jump into the water because of your period spoil your day? Then you can click here on our washable cloth tampons Just like conventional disposable tampons, our cloth tampons can be worn while swimming. Another plus point is that our game changers are reusable, so they can replace disposable tampons in terms of sustainability are far ahead.You are not a tampon type? Then we have another ace up our sleeve: Our Taynie Period Cup ! Also a faithful companion when swimming. 

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