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Meditation for period pain

The positive effects of meditation

Meditation is on everyone's lips and for good reason. It has long been proven that our mental health has an impact on our physical well-being - both positively and negatively. Meditation can help to strengthen and maintain the balance between body and mind. 

Physical pain is often perceived more strongly when we concentrate on it and tense the entire body. When we are stressed, the body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. Meditation can reduce cortisol levels. Meditation also significantly reduces the activity of the areas of the brain that are responsible for an increased sensation of pain. 

This is not the only reason why meditation is often used as a therapeutic approach against depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, ADHD and migraines and contributes to better sleep, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as a strengthened memory and immune system. 

Why meditation is good during your period

The monthly cycle affects the body's performance. After menstruation and before ovulation, the body is more active and more efficient. After ovulation and especially during menstruation, it craves more relaxation and recovery. Menstruation puts the body into a very work-intensive mode. This can then manifest itself in abdominal pain or cramps, active bowel activity, headaches/tension headaches and/or back pain. Stress can have a counterproductive effect by making these problems worse. Meditation can help you to respond better to your body's needs and relieve menstrual pain. 

Mindfulness in the cycle

Meditation not only has a physical effect on your body, but above all a mental effect. Mindfulness is an important factor in meditation. It is about finding harmony between body and mind, living and feeling the moment and perceiving the body's signals. Meditation can help you to achieve a conscious awareness of your body and bring calm to your mind. Meditation also increases your ability to concentrate. With repeated practice, you will notice how meditation changes your body awareness and you go about your everyday life with more calm.

What do you have to pay attention to?

Meditation is training for your mind. You practice calming your thoughts and creating a balance to the thousands of thoughts that occupy you in everyday life. You give your mind a break from the chaos of your thoughts. This also transfers to your physical well-being and you will notice how much calmer you become in everyday life. 

During your meditation, you can create a so-called "anchor" that trains your attention. This could be your breathing, for example. Focus all your attention on your breathing and notice how cold air flows through one nostril with each inhalation and how your breath flows out warmed with each exhalation. If your thoughts keep jumping to other topics, that's completely normal. Our thoughts are like a young dog that is confronted with many stimuli and has to learn how to deal with them. Over time, you will notice how these thought jumps become less and less frequent. 

There are different ways to meditate - from silent sitting or lying meditations to walking meditations. Sharp pains should be avoided if possible, so get into a position that is comfortable for you. You can do a silent meditation session cross-legged or lying down, covered or uncovered. If you like, you can also light a (scented) candle or an incense stick with your favorite scent. Just make sure there is no risk of fire.

Consciously take time and space for your meditation and ensure that you can practice your meditation session without being disturbed and in peace. Make sure to eliminate any disturbing factors as best you can before meditation. The more comfortable you feel, the more pleasant and easier the meditation session will be for you. Choose the meditation session that you feel like doing. 

Namaste and enjoy your meditation. 

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