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Prevention is better than cure

Note from the editors: Taynie supports gender-appropriate speech and writing. The terms “woman” used below  and “man”, however, scientifically refer to biological sex. 

Some diseases only affect men and some only affect women. Some diseases are gender-neutral but have gender-specific symptoms.  This is the case, for example, with a heart attack. With this disease, women have proven to have different symptoms than men. Therefore, heart attacks in women often go undetected or are only diagnosed very late. The classic symptoms of a heart attack include severe pain and pressure in the chest, massive tightness, burning, etc.  Heart attack symptoms in women include shortness of breath, sweating, back pain, nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain, pulling in the arms, unexplained tiredness and depression. If you suspect a heart attack, you should take the symptoms seriously and go to the doctor sooner rather than later. 

With the adoption of the Law to strengthen health promotion and prevention (Prevention Act - PrävG) In 2015, an important step towards gender equality was taken. Section 2b of the Social Code, Volume V (SGB V) stated: “Gender-specific characteristics must be taken into account in the services provided by health insurance companies.” This is an important and correct step to research and identify gender-specific diseases, take them into account in the anamnesis and determine appropriate therapy and treatment. 

The topic of intimate health in menstruating people is multifaceted. Diseases that only occur in menstruating people include endometriosis, PMS and certain infectious diseases. Today we will take a closer look at some of the diseases listed. Regular check-ups with a gynecologist are essential in order to prevent, detect and treat these and other diseases as far as possible. 

Have you had a preventative care check-up this year?


Many people do not know what endometriosis actually is, even though it is one of the most common abdominal diseases in menstruating people. 

In fact, around 40,000 menstruating people in Germany develop endometriosis every year. This disease involves benign growths in the lining of the uterus (hereinafter also referred to as "endometriosis lesions"). The symptoms are very varied and can vary in severity. The main symptom is very painful menstruation and varying degrees of abdominal pain throughout the entire cycle, which can increase over time. This can be very painful and stressful for those affected. 


Treatment options include painkillers, hormones or even surgery. The use of painkillers helps to relieve the symptoms in the beginning. Hormonal treatment can keep the endometriosis lesions under control and thus also relieve the pain. It should be noted that, like all medication, painkillers and hormone preparations can also have side effects. Hormone preparations are also not suitable for menstruating people who are trying to get pregnant. 

In addition to the use of painkillers and hormone preparations, there is also the option of surgical intervention. The endometriosis lesions are removed under general anesthesia using a scalpel, laser or “electric diathermy”. The aim of the removal is to relieve pain in mild to moderate endometriosis.
However, in about 20 out of 100 patients, endometriosis lesions recur within five years after the operation. 

If these lesions are located in the uterus, there is also the option of having the uterus removed. Once the uterus has been removed, no more infections can develop. 

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Almost every menstruating person knows it: Thedays before thedays n. Many are irritable, feel sluggish, and experience a chaos of emotions. In addition, physical complaints can also occur, so that your own bed becomes your absolute favorite place.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and psychological complaints, which can occur in the period after ovulation until the onset of the period The symptoms vary greatly in severity. Most menstruating people have very mild or no symptoms at all, whereas others suffer from very severe symptoms. Sometimes so severe that normal everyday life is impossible. 

The physical symptoms of PMS are varied and range from breast tenderness or a feeling of tension in the breast, to headaches, back pain, joint or muscle pain, digestive problems and even skin blemishes. Psychological symptoms include food cravings, sleep disorders, general malaise, lack of motivation, depression, mood swings, exhaustion and anxiety. 

PMS is caused by the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle, and these fluctuations vary in severity from person to person. 20 to 40% of all sufferers have several more severe PMS symptoms. As a rule, the symptoms subside with or shortly after the onset of the period. 

Adays book can be very helpful in finding out whether the symptoms are actually cycle-related and how regularly they occur. If the symptoms occur regularly, a visit to a gynecologist is strongly recommended. 

There are various options for treating PMS - from painkillers to hormone preparations. The aim is to reduce the symptoms as much as possible so that everyday life is not drastically affected. But there is also the possibility of influencing the course of the disease yourself. Taking regular breaks, listening carefully to your body and moderate exercise can relieve pain. Relaxation through walks, good company, a hot bath or some self-care can work wonders.
Try it out and take the time your body needs! 

Infectious diseases in the intimate area

Our vaginal flora can be compared to a delicate flower. It protects us from many pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi and, together with the discharge and a slightly acidic pH value, it forms a (mechanical) protective barrier (antibiosis).In addition to good lactic acid bacteria, which help maintain a fairly acidic environment, many other bacteria and fungi also live in the vaginal flora. This is completely normal and not a problem. It only becomes unpleasant when the proportion of lactic acid bacteria is reduced by hormonal fluctuations, stress or other factors, for example, and the pathogenic bacteria and fungi now have free rein to spread uncontrollably. Our flower begins to wilt. This can lead to discomfort and thus to infections in the intimate area. 

The most common infectious diseases include vaginal yeast infections (Candida albicans), cystitis, chlamydia infection and bacterial vaginosis. Common first signs of an infectious disease are itching/burning in the genital area and/or when urinating. Swelling/redness and/or changes in discharge consistency and color may also occur. If you notice these symptoms, you should see a gynecologist.

There are many causes of infectious diseases. As mentioned above, hormonal fluctuations or stress can affect the vaginal flora. But foreign bodies such as tampons can also dry out the sensitive mucous membrane in the vagina and thus make it susceptible to colonization by pathogenic fungi and/or bacteria. 

It is not uncommon for toxic shock syndrome to occur when using tampons. If menstrual hygiene is neglected (e.g. thorough hand washing, timely tampon changing, etc.), infection with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes can occur. These two germs secrete an exotoxin - a poison - which can cause numerous symptoms, such as fever, chills, nausea , Vomit , muscle pain, drop in blood pressure, dizziness and dizziness - collectively known as TSS.

To prevent infectious diseases that can occur when using foreign objects during menstruation, you should avoid using tampons and similar menstrual products or ensure careful menstrual hygiene. If you want to be on the safe side, it is better to go straight for more suitable alternatives.

Your secure support from Taynie

Taynie period underwear is ideal for your period without any foreign bodies interfering with the natural flow of your period. This way, the vaginal flora remains protected and you still have reliable leakage protection. Whether you have a light, medium or heavy period -  Taynie has the right period panties for every period. For a secure fit without leakage. For your well-being. For your health. 

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