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A good night's sleep is essential for our well-being and health. While we sleep, our body regenerates and recharges its batteries for the day ahead. However, many menstruating women or people with hormonal fluctuations often experience sleep problems that can affect their quality of life. Hormonal changes can have a major impact on sleep quality and often go unnoticed. In this article, you will find out which hormones affect sleep, how hormonal fluctuations can lead to sleep disorders and what measures can help you to get a better night's rest.
Die Periodengrippe beschreibt grippeähnliche Symptome, die viele Menstruierende kurz vor oder während ihrer Periode erleben. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um eine ansteckende Erkrankung, sondern um körperliche Beschwerden, die durch hormonelle Veränderungen im Zyklus ausgelöst werden. In diesem Beitrag erfährst du, was die Periodengrippe genau bedeutet, warum sie auftritt und welche Maßnahmen dir helfen können, diese Phase besser zu überstehen.
You've never heard of PCOS syndrome? Then you're certainly not alone. Although this is one of the most common hormonal diseases that can occur in menstruating women of childbearing age, most people have a big question mark in their heads when the word polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS for short is mentioned. But we at Taynie want to change that today with a new blog post and offer a platform for the topic of PCOS syndrome. So be sure to stay tuned if you want to know more about PCOS syndrome, its symptoms, treatment options and the connection to a possible desire to have children.
