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Water retention during your period

Your period is here, you feel bloated and you hardly recognize yourself in the mirror? No need to worry, because many menstruating women struggle with this symptom during and shortly before their period. It is usually caused by Hormonal water retention - and these are not uncommon. They can often lead to your motivation reaching zero and you no longer feel comfortable in your own skin. In today's blog post, we'll explain what water retention is all about, how you can get rid of it quickly and how you can prevent it in the future.

Hormonally-induced water retention

The Menstrual cycle is controlled by various hormones. Depending on the phase of the cycle, some hormones are more and some less active. One thing is certain: without hormones, the menstrual cycle would not work at all. With the rise and fall of hormone levels, both before and after the period, certain Symptoms (keyword PMS!). These can be, for example, migraines, skin blemishes, digestive problems or even water retention. Some people are more affected by this and others may have no symptoms at all. Cycle-related fluctuations in hormones can progesterone and estrogen ensure that the body stores water. If you sit or stand a lot during the day, fluid can build up, especially in the legs. You could therefore notice a few kilos more on the scales either before or after your period.

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What to do if you retain water during your period?

This may sound unusual, but water helps against water. By means of a high Fluid intake you help your body to get rid of excess water. However, you should avoid sugary drinks and instead drink water or special dehydrating teas. Caffeine is also not a good choice during your period, as it constricts the blood vessels and could therefore increase abdominal cramps. You can find out more about the influence of caffeine on your cycle here .

Are you also aware of the great influence stress on the body and psyche? If you are constantly exposed to stress, it can even cause your menstrual cycle to become irregular or even stop altogether. We have also explained to you how stress affects the menstrual cycle. here So you should always make sure to reduce sources of stress and ensure inner peace.For example, you can yoga or  Breathing exercises  help.

Our last keyword is: customized Nutrition Although we cannot 100% influence whether weight fluctuations and water retention occur due to hormones, we can at least contribute to preventing these from occurring by eating a balanced diet.
Many menstruating women also have Food cravings during your period. If you get a craving for something sweet, you can fight it with fruit, for example. If you're craving fatty food, a handful of nuts can work wonders. Nuts also help to increase your serotonin levels, as the tryptophan they contain is the most important building block for serotonin.

Water retention and weight gain - other reasons

Important to know: Hormones are not always the cause of water retention. Other reasons can also cause water retention - such as a high-salt diet. Salt The sodium contained binds water in the tissue, outside the cells and blood vessels. This can then not only cause water retention, but also high blood pressure. Too much salt intake can also worsen menstrual problems such as abdominal pain. We have also put together a list of foods that are good for you during your period and which you should avoid. Blog post summarized. 
Let's come back to the food cravings. You may notice them in the period before or during your period. For many people, the motivation to exercise is at an all-time low. Especially when symptoms such as a bloated stomach or pain become noticeable, exercise may not be the first thing you think of - understandably! But did you know that moderate exercise can even help you get rid of your period pain during your period? Be sure to read our  Blog post  for this purpose.

Are you constantly struggling with water retention that is a burden on you in everyday life and you do not notice any improvement despite numerous tips? Then we recommend that you speak to your doctor. They can then check whether the water retention is due to another cause, such as  disease , are due to.

Water retention during your period: How many kg do you gain?

Maybe you have asked yourself how many kilograms you gain when you retain water and what is considered “normal” in this regard. Every body is different - so weight fluctuations can vary from person to person. In general, you can expect a weight gain of 500g to 3kg with water retention. How many kilograms more you can see on the scales during your period and whether you can see at all depends on various factors such as your hormones.

Water retention: When does the weight go down again after the period?

If water has been stored in the body due to hormonal reasons, the result can be seen on the scales shortly before or after your period.However, the excess fluid is excreted through the kidneys after menstruation. This means that the extra kilos disappear on their own, provided they are caused by hormonal water retention. Fewdays after period your weight should have leveled off again. However, keep in mind that there are individual differences here too.
So don’t worry if it takes a little longer.

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