152 results
Support for NABU's nature conservation projects "Little Owl/Orchard Meadow" and "Green Toad"
Sustainability, species and climate protection are big topics today. As a company committed to sustainability and the protection of raw materials, Taynie sees it as its duty to take responsibility. In particular, the manufacturer of sustainable period underwear has nature conservation in mind right on its doorstep.
This helps against sore nipples from breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing: the baby is well cared for, the bond between mother and child is strengthened and the breaks that breastfeeding requires are beneficial for both. Until breastfeeding mothers and infants get used to it, milk let-down can be a little uncomfortable in the first few weeks. Latching takes some practice and sore nipples can make breastfeeding difficult and painful at first. However, most breastfeeding “problems” resolve over time. However, sore nipples should be ...
Periods and travel: tips for on the go
“I pack my suitcase and take with me: bikini, beach towel, sun hat…”. Oops, your cycle calendar is in strawberry week mode! When you're packing your suitcase for your upcoming summer vacation, something else can quickly come up: period products. But periods can become a challenge not only during your vacation, but also during the beginning of your journey on the train, car, plane, etc. While you want to while away the time of your journey with a book and music, you now have to look out for on...
How wool influences animal welfare and the climate
In keeping with Veganuary, today we would like to educate you about a topic that often receives far too little attention: wool and animal welfare. In the media, wool is usually portrayed positively and associated with sustainability. But behind a warm wool hat and a colorful knitted sweater lies a cruel fact: animals have to suffer for the wool industry. When it comes to veganism, the dark side of the wool industry might not be the first thing you think of, but today we want to take a closer ...
Helpful tips for incontinence
Today, incontinence is no longer a reason to retreat into a shell and avoid going outside. We'll give you useful tips that will help you relieve your bladder weakness and take back your everyday life.
Yam root and magnesium for cycle-related problems
Mood swings, water retention and cramps in the lower abdomen: When hormones turn everyday life upside down, many menstruators suffer. The level of suffering varies and the symptoms vary from person to person. In this article we will introduce you to two remedies: the yam and magnesium.
Sport and menstruation: tips for training during the cycle
Cramps, headaches and a bloated stomach - these symptoms don't sound very encouraging to exercise. While some people curl up on the sofa with a cozy blanket during their period, others are still motivated to put on sportswear. But did you know that with an adapted training plan you can also do moderate exercise during your menstruation? This can not only help you with your period pain, but can also be adapted to your low energy level. We at Taynie would like to give you a few tips today so th...
Missed period - Irregular cycle - what to do?
And suddenly your period stops - cause for concern or just normal? The missed period, which is also known in technical terms as amenorrhea, can have a variety of causes. It's the same with an irregular cycle. Since these causes can be harmless but also worrying, it is important to get to the bottom of the matter.
Monk's pepper and matcha for menstrual cramps
Your period is approaching, mood swings, headaches and exhaustion join cramps in your abdomen - sound familiar? Menstrual cramps are really no fun. Find out what monk's pepper and matcha tea can do in this article.
Postpartum period: duration, possible problems and tips
The newborn has been born and now it's time to get to know each other. The mother-child relationship is further developed immediately after birth and a lot of physical closeness ensures trust and security for the baby.
Of course, the new mother first has to recover after the birth. This is not always easy because she will notice changes in her body even after the birth. Milk and postpartum flow are just two of the things that begin in the postpartum period. It is not uncommon for postpartum...
Sustainable intimate care with just water
It's that time of year again - your shower gel is empty and you're at the drugstore. A crowded shelf with various colorful bottles smiles at you. You get a limitless selection of different scents; From chocolate cake to fruit cake to sporty-fresh, everything is there! That sounds tempting at first. But does your vagina or penis really have to smell like cinnamon, mint or watermelon? Today we'll explain to you why you should only use water instead of scented soaps when it comes to sustainable ...
Period products in the test: what is the best product?
Binden und Tampons sind vermutlich für niemanden ein Fremdwort. Menstruationstasse und Periodenunterwäsche hat bereits auch die/der ein oder andere gehört. Die Menge an nachhaltigen Menstruationsprodukten ist mittlerweile groß und das ist auch richtig so. Schließlich stellen Einwegprodukte eine enorme Umweltbelastung dar. Periodenprodukte - ganz egal ob waschbar oder nicht - können ein gesundheitliches Risiko darstellen. Es ist also gar nicht so einfach, die besten Periodenprodukte zu finden....
Tampons - Everything you need to know
There is a large selection of products that can be used during your period. It may take a while until you find the right product. Many menstruating people like to use tampons because they are small, easy to transport and even fit in a trouser pocket as an emergency reserve. That all sounds tempting at first, but below we would also like to list the possible disadvantages of tampons as hygiene products.
Endometriosis – many have it, only a few know it!
Have you ever heard of the disease endometriosis?
Although endometriosis is the second most common gynecological disease, it still leaves many people with a big question mark in their minds. Around 8 to 15 percent of all menstruating people are affected by the disease. In Germany alone there are at least 2 million people affected and yet there is a great deal of ignorance about it. We at Taynie think it's important that endometriosis is no longer a taboo topic and that there is more educatio...
Ovulation bleeding
menstruation, period,days , Ovulation bleeding - but wait a minute, ovulation bleeding is not one of them! In addition to the actual menstrual bleeding, which occurs at the end of the cycle, there can also be what is known as ovulation or mid-cycle bleeding. As the name suggests, this is bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle. About 5-13 out of 100 menstruating women experience this phenomenon. It can be quite annoying if you have to think about period products again shortly after yo...
Advantages of a cloth tampon
Did you know that a menstruating person uses around 17,000 tampons in their lifetime? We at Taynie find this very shocking. At the same time, however, we also know that many menstruating people prefer to use tampons rather than period panties, cloth pads or menstrual cups during their period. That's why we sell sustainable cotton fabric tampons in our shop that don't have to be thrown away after use, but can be washed and reused. In our blog post we want to tell you everything about cloth tam...
Body shaming and fashion - this is how fashion brands influence self-image
Slim, young, flawless skin - these beauty ideals are set as the benchmark due to the influence of social media. If a person does not live up to these ideals, the following phenomenon can occur: body shaming. Behind this word is the discrimination against people who, for example, do not correspond to the “perfect” Instagram body and are insulted or “shamed” because of this. You have already come into contact with it yourself or have friends in your area? Then the alarm bells should ring for yo...
The time after pregnancy - rules of conduct during the postpartum period
The birth is complete, the joy is great. The time has finally come: the new parents can enjoy the time with their baby. If it weren't for the postpartum bed...
After pregnancy, parents are faced with the hurdle of the postpartum period - but this time can also be made relaxed if the right framework conditions have been set. Did you know that with Taynie you have a true supporter during these weeks? Be sure to read the blog post to the end if you want to find out more exciting information abou...
Swimming during your period
It's finally summer! You can hardly wait to cool off in the cold water? But one worry may ruin your dream: your period. Maybe you've ever wondered whether you can even go swimming during your period. We have the perfect answer for you because there is absolutely nothing wrong with going swimming during your period. No matter whether it's the sea, pool or outdoor pool - despite your period, you can cool off anywhere.
Happy Mother's Day - especially self-love!
At Taynie we believe that Mother's Day should be a day when you do something good for yourself and give yourself a gift. So how about a gift in the form of self-love? Maybe you've already heard about the term self-love in the form of articles, or even sayings and quotes like “Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” (Oscar Wilde) stumbled. But what does that actually mean and how can you strengthen your self-love? We'll explain this to you in our blog post.
Influence of diet on the cycle and periods - this is what you should pay attention to
The frequent trips to the fridge, constant appetite, desire to feast - you know that too? During our period, we not only seem indecisive, but also struggle with food cravings, water retention and skin impurities. As if that weren't enough, we would like to curl up on the sofa with a hot water bottle when we feel abdominal pain and discomfort. What many people don't know: Diet can have a big influence on your cycle and your period - yes, also on the accompanying symptoms. You can find out what...
Postpartum depression
The pregnancy is over, the birth has been successfully completed and the newborn can finally be held in your arms - sounds good, doesn't it? But what if, despite this, you are in a bad mood and negative feelings are on your mind?days sordnung? This phenomenon is called postpartum depression and affects 8 out of 100 people after giving birth. So if you are affected by this illness yourself, then you are not alone. We know that the topic is associated with a lot of uncertainty and that is p...
Incontinence during pregnancy
Pregnancy can really put the body into overdrive. The well-known accompanying symptoms that many a pregnant person has to endure will probably tell you something: from morning sickness to the craziest cravings, everything seems to be there. But how about we talk today about a pregnancy symptom that is otherwise so often kept secret? It is pregnancy incontinence, which is also an important concern for us. Because did you know that our briefs are not only suitable for periods, but also for (pre...
Menstruation Myths Debunked: Period Facts
When it comes to menstruation, many people like to throw around wild facts. Some of these facts can drive menstruators quite crazy. Understandable, in our opinion, because behind many menstrual myths there is anything but the truth, but rather the keyword period shaming. Unfortunately, we are still in a society in which there is stigma and little knowledge about periods, which leads to all sorts of menstrual myths being spread. We think it's time to expose false myths and take a closer look a...
Why are menstrual panties better than tampons and pads at night?
Disposable tampons are still the most popular period product today. But popular does not necessarily mean harmless to health. The sentence “A tampon should not be worn at night.” You may have heard this before and asked yourself why that is the case. Many people don’t know the reasons for this or simply think “Oh, nothing’s going to happen.” Unfortunately, the opposite is the case: Tampons in particular are often linked to toxic shock syndrome. It is not without reason that it is often called...
First menstruation after pregnancy
As a new parent, there are a few thoughts floating around in your head: breastfeeding, postnatal recovery, postpartum flow - and what about periods? Understandably, periods are not necessarily the first thought you have after pregnancy. After all, you probably haven't had to deal with this in 9 months. But so that you don't get surprised out of nowhere, we have created a new blog post in which we take a closer look at the first period after pregnancy.
Cold feet: causes and tips
Cold feet can lead to diseases of the mouth, nose and throat, bladder infections and vaginal infections. The reason: Cold feet lower the temperature of the mucous membranes through signals from nerve bundles.
Polymenorrhea: Causes of cycle disorders
Your period has disappeared a short time ago and ZACK it is knocking on the door again. The keyword here is polymenorrhea and can be quite annoying in everyday life. Especially when the long-awaited summer vacation is coming up, you certainly don't want to be back after just 14days n welcome another strawberry week. But why do cycle disorders actually occur? Find out this and other exciting facts in our new blog post.
Oregano oil for infectious diseases
When you think of oregano, you probably associate it directly with Italian cuisine - because refining pizza or pasta with this Mediterranean spice is simply a perfect fit! The full-bodied aroma of oregano is used not only in Italian cuisine, but also in Spain and North Africa. But did you know that oregano not only impresses with its delicious taste, but is also a medicinal herb with many important properties? We at Taynie find this quite fascinating and would like to tell you about oregano o...
Weekly flow after birth: duration, course & hygiene
During pregnancy, the body works at full speed and does great things; the immune system, hormonal balance and metabolism are adapted to pregnancy. After the birth, the processes are gradually shut down again and the new mother needs a lot of rest in the postpartum period - that is, in the first time after the birth. During the postpartum period, the weekly flow begins, which can last and progress for different periods of time depending on the person. In this blog post we will explain to you w...
Vegan diet during pregnancy
You are vegan and the desire to have children is just around the corner? Then you may have already asked yourself whether you can continue your vegan lifestyle during pregnancy. You probably want to remain true to your ethical attitudes during this time in your life. However, expectant parents often encounter criticism from those around them when they reveal that they want to live a vegan lifestyle during pregnancy. The concern is usually that there is a nutrient deficiency and serious conseq...