42 results
Equal Pay Day 2025: Warum wir noch immer über Lohnungleichheit sprechen müssen
Mythen und Fakten über die weibliche Sexualität
Bye, Cellulite-Mythen: Warum Orangenhaut normal ist & wie du deine Haut pflegen kannst
Pille danach: Alles über Wirkung, Anwendung und Alternativen
One Billion Rising 2025: Tanzen gegen Gewalt
Studie zeigt: Ehe schützt vor Depressionen – Hintergründe und Fakten
Schilddrüsenprobleme und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Zyklus
Der Einfluss von Stress auf die Periode: Ursachen und Lösungen
Periodengrippe: Ursachen, Symptome und Hilfe bei Beschwerden
Ovarialzyste: Alles über Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlungsoptionen
Entspannungsübungen: Stress reduzieren und Periodenbeschwerden lindern
Intimbereich richtig pflegen: Die besten Tipps zur Rasur, Hygiene und Periodenunterwäsche
Ursachen für graue Haare: Alles, was du über frühes Ergrauen wissen musst
Schmerzen beim Eisprung: Was kann helfen?
Hitzewallungen und Wechseljahre: Ursachen und effektive Tipps zur Linderung
Alkohol während der Periode: Was du wissen solltest
Blähungen während der Periode lindern: Ursachen und effektive Strategien
Vegane Rezepte: Genussvoll, gesund und nachhaltig kochen
Weltfrauentag 2025 – Warum dieser Tag so wichtig ist und wie wir ihn feiern sollten
Periodenprodukte aus Bambus - nachhaltige Alternative für eine gesunde Periode
Körperbehaarung: Warum du dich nicht für deine Haare schämen musst
Der Einfluss von Koffein auf den Menstruationszyklus
Zwischenblutungen: Ursachen, Symptome und hilfreiche Tipps
Recognizing and alleviating PMS symptoms: Your comprehensive guide to well-being before your period
Körperpositivität und Menstruation: Mit inklusiver Größenvielfalt gegen die Zwänge der Modeindustrie
Veganuary: Alles, was du über den veganen Januar wissen solltest
Internationaler Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft
How hormones influence sleep: Causes and solutions
Nutrition during your period: alleviating symptoms with targeted nutrients
Understanding herpes: Symptoms, infection and treatment tips
Adenomyosis - causes, symptoms and treatment
Daily Woman
Daily Woman - for every day, in every situation, simply feel good! Our Taynie Daily models with a light absorbency absorb all liquids such as sweat, discharge and light spotting without leaking. Even if your period should come unexpectedly, you...
Daily string
Daily String - for every day, in every situation, simply feel good! Our Taynie Daily models with a light absorbency absorb all liquids such as sweat, discharge and light spotting without leaking. Even if your period should come unexpectedly, you...
Taynie String Lilac-Grey - LIMITED EDITION
Looking for a comfortable period panty for everyday use? Our lilac-gray thong holds as much as a tampon, making it perfect for discharge or a light, waning period. The soft lace and its color provide that extra portion of spring...
Taynie Bella
Please note: The Taynie Bella in blue and red is one size larger due to production reasons. Therefore, when purchasing, choose a size smaller than usual. You can buy the color black in your usual size. Here comes our feel-good...
Taynie String
You are looking for a period panty for lightdays ? Our thong accompanies you through the day when you have a light or fading period and also impresses with its attractive cut. Taynies are STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified and...
Taynie Panty
The panty sits a little lower than our other models and offers you optimal protection during light to moderate periods. The transparent look at the side seam makes the panty an eye-catcher. The protection area extends to the cuffs and...
Daily Queen
DailyQueen - for every day, in every situation, simply feel good! Our Taynie Daily models with a light absorbency absorb all liquids such as sweat, discharge and light spotting without leaking. Even if your period should come unexpectedly, you are...
Pack of 2 Taynie men's boxer shorts black/black
Are you looking for boxer shorts with a perfect fit and no pinching? We have something for you - the popular Taynie boxer shorts! It fits perfectly to your body and impresses with its elegant cut. Have your boxer shorts...
Blemished skin during your period - causes and effective care tips
Taynie wet bag
Ideal for on the go - whether on the Work, leisure or sports. With our Taynie Wetbag you can store your Taynies safely in your bag - even in wet condition. The wet bag is made of 100% polyester and...
Taynie Wetbag colour
Ideal for on the go - whether on the Work, leisure or sports. With our Taynie Wetbag you can store your Taynies safely in your bag - even in wet condition. The wet bag is made of 100% polyester and...