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Menstrual migraines and why they occur

You may have experienced this before: You are plagued by recurring, stabbing headaches and then you say “Drink more!”, “Oh, it will go away soon, just take an ibuprofen!”. However, many people are not aware that these are not just regular headaches. The key word here can be “ migraine ” - and this is usually not so easy to combat. It often occurs in connection with the period and many menstruating women know that when menstruation is approaching, migraines are not far away. In today's blog post you will find out why menstrual migraines occur, what they feel like and what you can do about them.

What does menstrual migraine feel like?

You may now be wondering how menstrual migraine can be defined and what it feels like. According to the International Headache Classification, menstrual migraine occurs when at least two out of three consecutive cycles have Migraine attack This can then be done within twodays n before threedays after the start of the period. However, this definition cannot be generalized, because every person is different and menstrual migraines can also be different for each person. 

While some people experience a pulsating headache on one side, others experience a stabbing headache on both sides. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to noise and light can also be noticeable. For some people, this goes even further - namely when an aura creeps up before the actual headache. The aura is a neurological disorder. This can include problems with vision or word-finding, numbness in the hands and other symptoms.

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Why do I have migraines during my period?

But what exactly is behind menstrual migraines and why do migraines often occur in connection with menstruation? trigger There are many so-called “triggers” for migraines; these include stress, a change in the weather or certain foods.

Menstrual migraines are usually triggered by hormonal changes -  for example, due to the drop in estrogen and progesterone concentrations as soon as menstruation begins. This sudden change can then trigger a migraine attack, no matter how high or low the hormone levels are. Cycle-related migraines can also be triggered by the release of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are chemical compounds that behave similarly to hormones. So far, no research has been carried out into whether other messenger substances are involved in migraine attacks. It is also still not clear how the hormonal fluctuations cause the attacks in detail.  

What can you do about migraines during your period?

How can you tell if you are suffering from cycle-related migraines? In general, the D According to medical guidelines, the diagnosis should only be made after at least five migraine attacks have been suffered during or shortly before the period. If you suspect that you are suffering from menstrual migraines, you should first consult your doctor. If you take the pill If you have migraine attacks during your period, this may also be a cause of migraine attacks. It may then be necessary to change your hormone preparation. In addition, you can try to stop taking the pill to see if you get better without taking it. If the attacks severely restrict your daily life, medication may also be an option. 

As we have already explained to you, there are a wide range of triggers that can cause migraines. What can help you identify them is a migrainedays book There you can, for example, enter what you ate or drank before the migraine attack, whether you took any medication and much more. However, there are a few things you can incorporate into your daily routine to prevent migraines during your period. Find out what they are now. 

Sufficient exercise

Regular headaches and migraines can have their origin in back or neck tension. This means that these muscular tensions are also considered a migraine trigger. We therefore recommend that you sport This can be endurance sports, for example, but also Yoga exercises can help you to bring more relaxation to your neck and back area. We have listed which yoga exercises can be good for you during your period in our Blog post summarized here.


Make sure you have a balanced diet in your everyday life Nutrition and eat as regularly as possible. The frequency of migraine attacks could also be reduced if you eat foods that contain vitamin B2 and magnesium. Of course, you should always make sure that you adequate fluid intake You can also find out why you should drink more during your period in our Blog post in addition.   
Avoid stress

When you are stressed, the level of the hormone increases Cortisol which can have various effects on your body. Among other things, stress is one of the most common triggers for migraine attacks. Therefore, if you have recurring migraines, it is particularly helpful to reduce stress in everyday life. You can incorporate various techniques into your everyday life that will help you keep a cool head in stressful situations. So how about meditation or various Breathing exercises ?

How long does menstrual migraine last?

One question you may have asked yourself is how long menstrual migraines last. Migraines often start early in the morning and can be noticeable as soon as you wake up. During a migraine attack, neurological and biochemical changes occur in the brain. A migraine attack without treatment can usually between 4 and 72 hours After a maximum of threedays However, the body should be able to regulate itself, as the above-mentioned changes in the brain cannot be maintained continuously. But even with migraines, every person is different and the duration of migraine attacks can always vary, even from attack to attack. 

Generally, migraines occur most frequently between the ages of 20 and 45 and the disease is currently considered incurable. The attacks can only be delayed by various habits that are integrated into everyday life. The intensity and frequency of migraine attacks can also be influenced by hormonal changes. For example, migraine attacks can be greatly reduced or even completely eliminated due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy. This is because the ups and downs of the hormones in the cycle are stopped during this time. Many people can also  After the menopause, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because then migraines may occur less frequently or even not at all.

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