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Vaginal dryness - an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs not only during menopause, but also in younger people on thedays Unfortunately, the topic of vaginal dryness is still associated with shame in society. That is why we think it is even more important to report on it today so that those affected do not feel alone and a general awareness of this issue can be raised. That is why we have put together a new blog post for you in which we discuss the causes, symptoms and various treatment options for vaginal dryness. At the end, we will tell you why our Taynies can help you with vaginal dryness.
Menstrual cycle, cycle phases, and what was ovulation again? You may have already chewed through all of this at school, but all the terms can get a little confused. Today we want to take a closer look at ovulation, which usually occurs every month in menstruating people. While some people don't notice it at all, others feel exactly when ovulation is taking place. In today's blog post you will find out which processes are involved in ovulation, what exactly happens, how long it lasts and much more.
Do you know the feeling when your underwear suddenly feels completely wet, even though you are in the middle of your cycle and it cannot be an unannounced surprise from your period? Then it is probably vaginal discharge, also known as cervical mucus. You may have come across the term cervical mucus before. For example, when the hormone-free method of determining fertility and ovulation was discussed. This is an option for people who either want to do without the pill or have a strong desire to have children. In our new blog post, we want to take a closer look at cervical mucus and its changes during the cycle. Knowledge about the consistency and appearance of your cervical mucus can help you to determine your fertile periods.days On the other hand, you can better recognize when it is no longer healthy vaginal discharge, but could be an infection.
There is no question that a safe method of contraception is important. When most people think of contraception, the first thing they think of is the condom or the pill. However, there are now a wide range of contraceptive methods on the market, some of which are better and some of which are worse. There is also the question “Do I want to use hormonal contraception or go the hormone-free route?”. If you decide to use hormone-free contraception, it may be a headache at first. Which contraceptive methods without hormones are there, which are the safest and which are the healthiest? In today's blog post we would like to inform you about hormone-free contraception and give you the most important facts.
Sex during your period? This is a taboo topic for many people. Some see this as a hygiene problem, while others are generally afraid of handling blood. From a medical perspective, however, there is basically nothing wrong with sexual intercourse during menstruation - in fact, it can even have a positive effect on your menstrual problems. However, if you're considering sex during your period, there are a few things to keep in mind. You can find out what these are and the benefits of period sex in today's blog post.
Have you ever heard that iron deficiency is considered the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide? That's exactly why we at Taynie think it's important to take a closer look at this topic. The tricky thing about iron deficiency is this: it is not noticeable at all, especially initially, and rather creeps in, so that noticeable symptoms only appear in a later phase. You may be wondering whether menstruators are particularly affected by iron deficiency, since they usually have their period once a month. In fact, menstruation can be considered one of the causes of iron deficiency. You can find out what needs to be taken into account when it comes to iron deficiency during your period in today's blog post.
The pregnancy is over, the birth has been successfully completed and the newborn can finally be held in your arms - sounds good, doesn't it? But what if, despite this, you are in a bad mood and negative feelings are on your mind?days sordnung? This phenomenon is called postpartum depression and affects 8 out of 100 people after giving birth. So if you are affected by this illness yourself, then you are not alone. We know that the topic is associated with a lot of uncertainty and that is precisely why we think it is important that more is reported about this illness. Because we believe that those affected should not be ashamed of it and that the taboo surrounding mental illness should be broken.
If you have inserted your tampon correctly, you usually won't feel it at all. You might forget to take it out and change it in time - but you shouldn't! Ultimately, this can have serious health consequences. The key word here is: toxic shock syndrome, also known as “tampon disease”. The terms mean nothing to you? Then you should definitely read this blog post. Here you can find out everything about toxic shock syndrome; from the explanation of terms to the symptoms and preventative measures.
Itching and burning in the intimate area and smelly discharge? Nobody wants that! However, these unpleasant symptoms can still occur. This often happens due to a disturbed vaginal flora. You are now wondering what is meant by the vaginal flora and why it gets out of balance? Then you should definitely read our new blog post.
You have discharge? This is completely normal. It is also completely normal for many people to stick a panty liner in their panties in the morning so that the discharge doesn't end up in their underwear. The panty liner goes into the trash can afterwards and the next day you dig into the panty liner package again. This is clearly detrimental to the environment. What is often not considered, however, is that disposable panty liners should not be worn all day. Because they also have many disadvantages in terms of health. In this blog post you will find out why panty liners should not be worn every day and what disadvantages this entails. And don't worry, your discharge doesn't have to end up in your panties: we have alternatives for you!
When you think about the unpleasant side effects of menstruation, the following symptoms are probably floating around in your head: cramps, headaches and a bloated stomach. But you may have already noticed that you are suddenly completely tired during your menstruation? Many menstruating people suffer from severe fatigue during their period and ultimately have less energy for sports and other things that would actually be necessary in everyday life. You want to know why you are so tired during your period and what can possibly help you? Then you should definitely read our new blog post.
Did you know that 80 out of 100 people have noticed their tumor when they palpated their breasts themselves? Regular palpation of the breasts can actually help enormously to detect breast cancer early enough and then have it examined by a gynecologist. Self-examination is therefore an important step. The motto here is quite clear: prevention is better than cure! After all, early detection of breast cancer can significantly improve the prognosis. On the occasion of thedays s of breast cancer, we at Taynie want to use our reach to educate you on what to look for when palpating your breasts. If you want to learn more about cancer and early detection, you can read our blog post about ovarian cancer here.
